2. 3. 2010.

Slana torta od pohovanih pečenih paprika/Red pepper cake

15 pečenih crvenih paprika
250 g feta sira
250 g mladog sira
200 g šunke
1 čaša (200g) pavlake/milerama
7-8 kiselih krastavaca
6 tvrdo kuvanih jaja
250 g majoneza
150 g kačkavalja
po želji so, biber

Za pohovanje

Pečene paprike oljuštite, presjecite na pola po dužini. Uvaljajte ih,nadam se već svima poznati sistem “brašno, jaja, prezle” i pohujte ih.
Sir, pavlaku, sitno sjeckane krastavce, izrendana jaja, isjeckanu šunku i majonez pomješajte i dobro sjedinite.Začinite solju i biberom.
Ređajte u okrugli pleh (spring form):
10 pohovanih paprika – fil – 10 poh.paprika – fil – 10 poh.paprika.
Ostatkom fila premažite tortu i ukrasite rendanim kačkavaljem.
Čuvajte u frižideru i izvadite bar 10 minuta pred posluživanje.

In English

15 roasted red peppers
250 g Feta cheese
250 g cottage cheese
200 g ham
200 g sour cream with min 20% milk fat
7-8 gherkins
6 boiled eggs
250 g mayonnaise
150 g cheese
salt, pepper

For coating red peppers:
bread crumbs

Peel roasted peppers and cut them half in length. Coat peppers first in flour, second beaten eggs and third bread crumbs and fry them in hot oil. After frying put them on kitchen towels and let them soak up unnecessary oil.
Squash feta and cottage cheese and add to the mixture finely cut gherkins, eggs and ham. Add mayonnaise and mix it all well. Season with salt and pepper.
Assemble in your spring form:
10 red peppers – cheese mixture - 10 red peppers - cheese mixture -10 red peppers.
After 3-4 hours(or over night) when you take it out of the spring form, cover your cake with cheese mixture leftover and arrange with shredded cheese.
Keep it in the fridge, but take it out at least 10 minutes before serving to get best results.

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